Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
You are in an arena; you have no escape. You must fight either a Gundam, PollyannaX, Casual Cat, or Econs to the death. If you choose not to fight your penis/vagina will be chopped off and you will be forced to eat it. What will you do?
If I fight the Gundam, do I get a Gundam of my own? Because that would be amazing!
What film do you think should win Best Picture for the 2010 Oscars?
Inception deserves it, and because it was MY favorite film of the year, but I think it'll go to The King's Speech. It's a English period piece, the hipster Academy can't resist.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Did he dress you as a maid and tell you how pretty you are?
No, he just gave me some water and then I fell asleep.
Kinsoku Jiko VS The Juggernaut
Jiko could stop the unstoppable momentum by using his weeaboo powers to repulse that fuckah.
Friday, February 25, 2011
If you had a time machine, what date would you travel to?
By time machine you obviously mean TARDIS which means that I am a Time Lord sooooooooooooooooo
I'd go to 1997, Cadbury England and find King Arthur in suspended animation in a spaceship and have some fun. Yeah.
Ash Ketchum vs Agumon
This is really just a Digimon vs Pokemon. I will say this. Digimon's US release was a hellova lot edgier and dark than Pokemon's. That might count for something with me.
PollyannaX vs Doctor Doom
Doom would give her some trouble, but Polly would probably just use Pikachu and absorb all the electricity and go Super Saiyan or something.
Spider Man vs Econs
Econs would get Spiderman inebriated and passed out with his superpower called "PBR Rays".
Yes. German pancakes especially (and no, that's in no way a reference to the below question about the Hitler Youth; I just love lemony sweetness).
Why don't you log on here anymore?
I log on here all the time. Only Soupers use formspring now though.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What's the last good book you read?
I'll take this to mean fiction. Uhhh, I'll go with Dreadnought by Cherie Priest.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?
Delorian. Preferably with time travel capabilities, although I could do without and just pretend.
Should I stop talking to some one if i apparently caused them to have pre-cum
Don't worry about it. Whenever I talk to D he gets a little moist too. It's normal.
Monday, February 21, 2011
your gonna play castlevania? If you play Castlevania HD on the xbox360 ill play!
D says it's pretty cool right? Yeah, I might get it. I am an old Castelvania fan.
Ya nigga bro. Press ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start Reznov pops up yo.
Sick. I gotta play more Castlevania.
Ya yo hes in Black Cops. 2nd mission yo.
Is that the one where Steve breaks the Winslow's coffee table and Carl defuses a nuclear bomb before it destroys Chicago?
Why didn't Castro just kill you? Why did he give you to Dragovich?
Cuz Fidel's actually a pretty decent guy. He likes chess and plays violin.
Where did Dragovich take you?
In here, there were two guys killing each other. But I guess that's better than a million. What I'm trying to say is, if I can change and you can change everybody can change!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What is your morning routine?
1. Put comfy pants on.
2. Evacuate bladder.
3. Wash hands thoroughly.
4. Turn on computer.
5. Click "Firefox" icon.
6. Visit the internet for 12 hours straight.
Is there ay way I can save the brotherhood of steel instead of blowing them up for Mr. House? I really like them because they give me recycled energy cells but Mr. House wants me to blow them up. wat do?
Kill House.
Kill Caesar.
Kill Kimball.
Kill every other leader from every other faction.
Courier is a pretty cool guy.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Taking into account the fact that Watson thrashed the human contestants in Jeperdy today, how far away do you think the machine uprising is? Are you pro or anti machine independence?
It's soon. I'll be fighting in the resistance though. WOLVERINES!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Do you think Watson will win on Jeopardy or do you think man will triumph over machine?
Darkseid will win because Darkseid always wins.
I have a crush on u but cant say who i am lol.. u have to guess.. go to www.bit.ly/elsw0c?266866514 then make an account and search for ragingmudcrab
Someone has a crush on me!? TIME 2 FAP
Monday, February 14, 2011
What was the worst fourty dollar (or equivalent) purchase you ever made?
Two tins of Yugioh cards. I know one was the Panther Warrior one but I forget the other. Point is, Panther Warrior sucked and I specifically remember not getting shit out of both the tin's packs. And that was my 13th birthday money down the drain.
What was the best fourty dollar (or equivalent) purchase you ever made?
Probably my rifle. At first I kinda felt a little bad for spending that much money on one thing like that, but then I started bulls-eying womp rats and I decided it was awesome. Then I Columbine'd.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
"Casual Cat, Kinsoku Jiko, Linktube, John and Econs walk into a porn shop. Casual asks for furry, Jiko asks for lolicon, Link asks for lube in tubes and John asks for Jiko nudes. What does Econs ask for?"
I never even made an answer for this riddle. But if I had it'd probably blow your mind.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
It's a decent tactic.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
are u a fukin bro, i repeat, AR U A FUKIN BRO? if ur a cuntfag then dunt answer u shood go to ur room and masterbate 2 a pik of LOL SULID SNAEK who is a faget uf curse u stoopid cunt
im a total bro man dont queschun it. fuk solid snaek hes a cunt and not teh tru heroe of metal gaer. its all abowt ocelot and big boss cuz they liek killed a bunch fo pepel and trid 2 newk teh wurld but they onlee did it 2 stop teh pateeits so its all gud. snaek jist got used so hes a fag lol and gayden sux 2.
What is your favorite language and why? It dosen't have to be a language that you can't speak. Bonus points if it's considered dead(ex: anglo-saxen) or very few people speak it(Ex: Yiddish).
I do quite like Latin, which is why I took it in high school. Other cool languages... Japanese? I can be a weeaboo at times (mostly on July 1st - 4th) so yeah. I like to get back to my roots, so yeah, a little Old A-Sax here, a bit of Gaelic there and a lot of Nordic all around. Yep.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Will you be getting bulletstorm?
Eventually. Probably. It looks fun. I won't get it immediately because there are other games I want more.
Monday, February 7, 2011
lets see how long you can survive, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dknb9x2R8v8&feature=player_embedded#
I've been to Anime Expo. Weeaboo shit DOES NOT PHASE ME ANYMORE
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Can you explain to me what Steam is? Not the Water Vapor, The one that sells games.
It's a digital distribution site. You can buy games, often times at sale prices, download and play them. It's pretty cool.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Would you like a pizza roll? Answer my question and I will send you a pizza roll.
I would like a pizza roll, give me the pizza roll.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Which would you rather possess, hindsight or forethought?
The Belt of Forethought, a new item for Dragon Age 2!
Don'tcha hate songs that obviously use Pitch Correction in the song?
I love auto-tune. I'm glad someone create it. It makes everything better.
My pinky finger is red and inflamed at the first joint from the knuckle due to slamming it on a table in a poorly formed fist. Hurts to move. Will 2 toothpicks held together with 3 plasters [bandaids] suffice to keep it still for 3 days?
It's chill, just get 1 forceps, a medical brace, a scalpel and some surgical tubing. Oh, and you need to be at least half-way decent with medicine.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfq_A8nXMsQ Your thoughts?
I'm pretty sure I saw this or something like it or something utilizing the same footage/music on PBS back in the 90's. It's oddly familiar. The article too.