Monday, December 7, 2009

Observations on Star Wars #2

The Clone Wars. Is it canon? It sure seems like they're trying to make it canon. I just really have a hard time accepting it. I mean, it truly is, to it's core, a kids show. Not that Star Wars shouldn't be about kids, but it should be about everybody. The target audience should be everyone. It's obvious that Clone Wars is targeted for kids, from the animation style, the characters and the channel it airs on (which has also gone WAY downhill in my opinion). If we are supposed to believe that a children's show is official Star Wars canon, why not make the children's novels canon, like this one:

Yeah, I read it when I was little. It's not bad. It's also not canon. I can understand why it shouldn't be canon too. It's not a very mature story, obviously, and it would also create a bit of friction with the rest of the novels (the adult ones).

Now Clone Wars IS bad. And I'm not biased towards anything prequel. What I am biased towards are ridiculous stories and characters
that are entirely unnecessary.

But you know what was good? You know what I whole-heartedly accept as canon, and may, in fact, be better than some of the movies?

Hell yeah.

When this came out in 2003, I shat fucking bricks. Well, no, I thought the animation was weird at first, but after I saw the first episode, I shat fucking bricks. The story was dark, intense, and war-like. The Clones were like real soldiers. Really good soldiers, sure, but still soldiers, and they acted like it. The Jedi were fighting a ceaseless army of droids as well as an unseen evil enemy. It was crazy! It felt right.

I loved the original Clone Wars. It was the perfect introduction for Revenge of the Sith. The perfect bridge between Episode II and III. This new Clone Wars is just all over the place. Sometimes I can't even tell if it's still Star Wars. It starts acting like some childrens space adventure series.

So overall, old once again triumphs over new. Is this the fate of every new Star Wars story? Will the original trilogy always be better than the prequels? Well, it seems that one is already in consensus with the fans, so yeah. But what if Lucas decides to fulfill his old plan to make nine movies? A whole new trilogy? Would it just not have nearly the same luster as the older movies did? Or worse, would it ruin the series entirely? I'm always up for more Star Wars, but not if it means destroying what we know and love. I wouldn't wven know what it could be about. I mean, they've already pretty much covered everything leading up to the prequels (with The Old Republic novels, games and comics), so going farther back in time is out of the question. Perhaps some more sequels. It'd have to be WAY far in the future, since the expanded universe has done a lot that direction already. Maybe something like a super-sequel? It certainly would go along with the whole "4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3" thing. It'd be 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9! Wow.

Well, I guess if George wants it, it could happen. He'll have to hurry though. He's not the healthiest guy ever, or the youngest.

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