Ducks are awesome and I totally want to adopt one. An animal shelter I know of has ducks. I feed ducks by my house all the time. Every year they come around quacking for food. Ducks are win.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Can you run fast?
I'm dreadfully slow on my feet. See, I have rather short legs. All my not inconsiderable height is focused in my torso, strange to imagine as it may be. My legs are pretty strong though.
If you had to sleep with one of the chuckle brothers, who would it be? Paul or Barry? (If you don't know who they are, wiki it).
Barry for sure. I get the feeling his more amiable than Paul.
Why do you get less prison time for attempted murder, than a successful murder?
Because murder is easy, and if you failed at it, you must suck hard.
What scares you?
Bears. I feel like people don't understand how dangerous they are. Soon, I'm sure the ursal uprising will occur. And when it does, I'll be ready.
What job should I do now that I've finished uni?
Besides that hair-touching business? Let me see... Depends on what your interests are. For me, I pretty much know I'm going into the film industry. So whatever you're interested in, and also good at. Being good at it REALLY helps, but that's a no-brainer.
Would you pay to touch my hair? Do you think I make a living charging people to touch me?
I think you could make a killing charging people for touches of your hair. Go for it.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Haha it is alright. I don't consider myself part of the gay orgy that is Anon. So no beating with a wooden mallet will take place. ...but I bet you we can find rule 34 of that. ;) Btw.... i herd u liek mudkipz?!
Oh, well that is good! I was worried there for a second.
And yes, I do. He's in my party in Soul Silver right now. I just got him.
You've broken rules 1 and 2.
Oh God! I didn't mean to, it just slipped out! I'm sorry, please don't beat me with a wooden mallet!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Can you teach me how to fly?
Well now, it's quit simple really. Just find some irradiated, toxic waste and roll around in it. Soon enough, you'll be able to fly!
Or you'll have heat vision!
Or you'll suffer from debilitating tumors that will take your life.
I honestly believe your formspring is the most interesting and awesome, maybe because people who question you on here have something interesting to say and not be a creep or a bitch. How do you feel about this?
Hahaha! I'm glad I can entertain! If I could take some of the heat off you, I would. It might even make things a little more interesting around here, at least up until the second week of it maybe.
Honestly, how full is your Pokedex?
494. That's right, I have a Mew. What's more, I have a Smugleaf, a Pokemon that hasn't even been released yet!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Are you afraid of dying?
Honestly, yes. Not because I'm afraid of the pain, or of the unknown, but that I don't want to cease to exist on Earth.